


Pharmacovigilance System is a commitment that can no longer be postponed!

In recent years, the rules governing Pharmacovigilance Globally, have evolved more and more and the purpose of these regulations is to promote and protect public health through the construction of a Pharmacovigilance System able to maintain an efficient and constant surveillance of the use of drugs. The heart of the system is based on the creation of a network whose constituent elements are the individual Pharmacovigilance Systems active at each Pharmaceutical Company holding even a single Marketing Authorization for medicines.

With the introduction of these rules, companies are obliged to organize their own Pharmacovigilance System to be able to meet the obligations. All this means for the holder of MA they need to organize a complex Pharmacovigilance System, which operates within a quality system in accordance with the guidelines published by the regulators on this subject. In other words, for Pharmaceutical Companies, a significant increase in investments is required, in terms of resources, time and personnel involved in the creation and maintenance of a corporate Pharmacovigilance System.

Sojar proposes itself as the best reference to which these delicated activities can be entrusted.